Marlies Schijven, MD, PhD, MHSc
Amsterdam University Medical Centers; Simulation, Serious Gaming, and Applied Mobile Healthcare; e-Health of the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centers
Marlies Schijven (born 1969) is a board
qualified surgeon and master in health sciences, researching the field of Mobile
Healthcare, Simulation and Serious Gaming and surgical innovations in the OR
such as wearables and medical data recorder systems. Her clinical work focuses
on surgery for GERD, achalasia and upper GI motility disorders. Marlies is
appointed both as Principle Educator and Principle Investigator in the
Amsterdam UMC, for which she is appointed project owner on the e-health domain
considering the electronic patient file. She is the Program Leader of the
Amsterdam Digital Health research program within Amsterdam Public Health
research institute. She was appointed as the first CMIO (chief medical
information officer) to the Dutch Government, and is currently the
(supervisory) board member of several institutions and governing organizations
including the Meander Medical Center and ZonMW; The Netherlands Organization
for Health Research and Development.
Marlies is internationally recognized as an
expert in virtual and augmented reality medical simulation, serious gaming, validation
studies and –processes, e-health, app development for healthcare and is
actively researching the MedTech domain; guiding several PhD residents. She successfully
acquired subsidiaries and grand prizes. She is member of the EAES Technology
Committee and Editor of journals among which BMJ Innovations, the Lancet
Digital and JMIR Serious Games. Marlies is the Chief Editor of the Sage Journal
Simulation and Gaming.
Marlies is very active and visible on Social
Media with a noticeable following.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marliesschijven/