Fernando González Moraga
Lund University and Regional Forensic Psychiatric Clinic in Växjö, Sweden
Fernando works as a licensed psychologist at the Regional Forensic
Psychiatric Clinic in Växjö, Sweden. He is a doctoral student at the Department
of Clinical Sciences, Lund, Lund University, and affiliated to the Centre for
Ethics, Law and Mental Health at the University of Gothenburg. He currently
works within the FOR-VR study with a pilot study on the latest version of the
treatment method ”Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training” (VRAPT).
VRAPT is a CBT method where patients work with identifying and managing
aggressive impulses in Virtual Reality environments. Fernando, with the
management team of the forensic psychiatric clinic, is also working on the
implementation of VRelax and using VR to increase the physical activity of
forensic psychiatric patients.
Previously, Fernando has worked within the forensic field, for
example as a research assistant in the Prison and Probation Service in Chile on
a project on psychopathy and attachment. He has also worked with children and
their families within habilitation settings in Sweden.
Fernando’s research interests include human aggression, psychopathy, and psychological assessment and treatment with Virtual Reality in forensic settings. The title of his PhD studies is “Challenges for treatment of aggressive antisocial behaviors in forensic settings: the importance of personality, cognitive functioning & callous-unemotional traits”, and includes populations from various forensic settings, such as the Prison and Probation Services and forensic psychiatry.
Fernando’s research interests include human aggression, psychopathy, and psychological assessment and treatment with Virtual Reality in forensic settings. The title of his PhD studies is “Challenges for treatment of aggressive antisocial behaviors in forensic settings: the importance of personality, cognitive functioning & callous-unemotional traits”, and includes populations from various forensic settings, such as the Prison and Probation Services and forensic psychiatry.