Asher Marks, MD
Yale University School of Medicine
Asher M. Marks, MD, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine and practicing pediatric hematologist and oncologist. He is the director of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology and also serves as the director of the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer program for Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital.
While his clinical research frequently focuses on the care and treatment of pediatric patients with brain tumors, his role as the director of the AYA program has led to the development of a virtual reality-based support group for adolescents and young adults with cancer. In collaboration with Foretell Studios, a clinical trial was launched in the fall of 2019, showing improved participation and resilience in participants. Along with Kimberly Hieftje, PhD, he co-founded The Yale Center for Immersive Technologies in Pediatrics and the XRPeds lab (xrpeds.org) at Yale Pediatrics to extend the reach and study of clinical and research applications of XR technologies in the pediatric population.