Jeff Tarrant, PhD, BCN
Dr. Jeff Tarrant is a licensed psychologist, XR researcher, and Chief Science Officer for Healium, a virtual and augmented reality self-management tool for anxiety, pain, and sleep. His team built the first augmented and virtual reality platform powered by consumer wearables. Dr. Tarrant is board certified in neurofeedback with three published studies in peer-reviewed journals on how XR impacts brain patterns, mood states, and heart rate. His clinical work at the Neuromeditation Institute focuses on technology-based interventions including Quantitative EEG, neurofeedback, biofeedback, low power repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), and audiovisual entrainment (AVE). Dr. Tarrant wrote the book on Neuromeditation, "Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain" which spent some time as #1 in the psychotherapy section on Amazon. He experiments with a variety of XR inputs to help the nervous system to become more flexible and adaptive.