Itai Danovitch, MD, MBA
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Itai Danovitch is Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Danovitch focuses his research on substance use disorders, as well as the integration of medical and mental health services. He is the author of over 40 original articles and book chapters, and was the co-editor of the 2012 Psychiatric Clinics of North America special edition on addiction. He serves as immediate past president of the California Society of Addiction Medicine. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. In 2016, Danovitch was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown to serve as a commissioner on the California Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission. Recently, Dr. Danovitch's team published a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using virtual reality for inpatient populations. He is an active member of the Cedars-Sinai therapeutic VR clinical program.