Understanding Headset Data and Survey Results from Take-Pause, a Mindfulness-Based Virtual Reality Program to Ease Patient Anxiety in Pediatric Urgent Care
Presenters: Dumeetha Luthra
Institution: Take-Pause
Pilot Testing Surgery Prep, a VR Walkthrough of the Perioperative Environment for Pediatric Patients
Presenters: Warren Scott Comulada, DrPH
Institution: UCLA
Virtual Reality Improves Symptoms of Functional Dyspepsia: Results of a Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Pilot Study
Presenters: David Cangemi, MD
Institution: Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Seeing Potential in VR-Therapy: Pilot trial evaluating the effectiveness of Virtual Reality therapy on visual perception in children with hemianopia consecutive to a brain tumour
Presenters: Michael Reber, PhD
Institution: University Health Network
A Virtual Reality Based Test of Central and Peripheral Visual Efficiency for Concussion Detection
Presenters: Jennifer Reneker, PhD
Institution: University of Mississippi Medical Center
The Use of Virtual Reality During Arterial Puncture and Evaluating its Impact on Patient-Reported Pain Scores, Anxiety Scores, and Patient Satisfaction
Presenters: Pradeep Upadhyaya, BS
Institution: CSMC
Use of Virtual Reality to Treat Chronic Abdominal Pain in Diseases of Gut-Brain Interaction
Presenters: Evelyn Pillor, MD
Institution: Stanford University
Exploration of the role of emotional expression of treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients having followed virtual reality therapy: a content analysis
Presenters: Elischa Augustin
Institution: University of Montreal
Are nature-based video and virtual reality therapeutics feasible and effective for stress and anxiety? A Pilot Study
Presenters: Ravindra Ganesh, MD
Institution: Mayo Clini
Avatar Intervention: using virtual reality to treat cannabis use disorder in a population with severe mental disorders
Presenters: Sabrina Giguère, MS
Institution: University of Montreal
The role of Avatar Therapy in treating auditory hallucinations of patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: efficacy and underlying psychotherapeutic mechanisms
Presenters: Melissa Beaudoin, MDCM
Institution: University of Montreal
Assessing Patient Perceptions of Virtual Reality use for Pelvic Exams
Presenters: Katherine Moran, MD, MBA
Institution: Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Virtual graded motor imagery for phantom leg pain: A feasibility case series
Presenters: Megan Crooks, BSc (Hons.)
Institution: University of Manitoba
Can We Use Virtual Reality Successfully in Training Nurses? A Pilot Study
Presenters: Margo B. Minissian, PhD, ACNP
Institution: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
The Physiologic Effects of Augmented Reality Simulation Versus Traditional Simulation: A Non-inferiority, Randomized Controlled Trial
Presenters: Asheen Rama, MD
Institution: Stanford University School of Medicine, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Enhancing Medical Device Care Education via Virtual Reality: A Paradigm Shift
Presenters: Ashish Chogle, MD, MPH
Institution: Children's Hospital of Orange County, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
From Virtual Beaches to Sports Games: Exploring the Landscape of Content Inclusion in Reviews Assessing Virtual and Extended Reality for Pain Management
Presenters: Megan Jiao, BS
Institution: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NICU Stakeholder Input to Inform the Content of A Virtual Reality Infection Prevention Educational Experience Designed for Family Members of Patients
Presenters: Veronica Weser, PhD
Institution: Yale Center for Immersive Technologies in Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine
Age and Sex Differences of Virtual Reality Pain Alleviation Therapeutic During Pediatric Burn Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Presenters: Katarina Jones, BS
Institution: Northeast Ohio Medical University
Exploring Older Adults' Virtual Reality Experience Following Elective Colorectal Surgery
Presenters: Christina Keny, PhD(c), MS, BSN, RN
Institution: University of California, San Francisco
Neural Correlates for Virtual Embodiment Therapy: Search for neuroimaging markers of pain perception modifications
Presenters: Julia Scott, PhD; Soraya Miremadi
Institution: Santa Clara University
Enhancing Cardiothoracic Surgery Training through a VR Simulation Platform: A Series of Randomised Controlled Trials
Presenters: Samuel A. Max, BM BCh
Institution: Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Effects of Avatar therapy on activity and connectivity of brain regions involved in emotion processes and regulation in treatment-resistant schizophrenia
Presenters: Alexandra Fortier, MSc
Institution: Centre de Recherche de l\'Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal / Department of Psychiatry and Addiction, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal