Samuel Eberlein, MHDS
Clinical Research Data Specialist I, CS-CORE
Samuel Eberlein joined the team at Cedars-Sinai Center for Outcomes Research and Education (CS-CORE) as a clinical research coordinator after graduating from Cedars‐Sinai’s Master's Degree in Health Delivery Science program in the summer of 2019. He received his BS in biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University in 2017. Sam's previous experiences includes working alongside orthopaedic surgeons in the Metzger Lab at Cedars‐Sinai between 2017‐2019 and interning at the Andrews Institute for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in Gulf Breeze, Florida, during the summer of 2016. His research interests include the evaluation of therapies and visualizations of data sets to identify trends and key areas of opportunity.